dallasspankshard – MP4/HD – Miranda – Miranda’s List 1

Dallas Spanks Hard – MP4/SD – Miranda – Miranda’s List 1

dallasspankshard – MP4/HD – Miranda – Miranda’s List 1

I was approached, by this attractive, traveling business owner about really addressing behavior issues in her life. She heard my interview on a pod cast and after hearing my views on disciplinary spankings (and my approach) she decided that what she heard, was also what she she both needed and deserved. This was shot at just a little after 8:00 a.m. (as she had a flight to catch home) she got was two hours of ‘life changing’ discipline. I told her one important task (aside from tan lines 😉 ) Bring me a list if these behaviors. After being sent to the corner and put in an embarrassing position to reflect. I clip the list to her the back of her dress and go over them. This was just shot a week ago today (Thursday) as I am writing this. Making her sit on a stool with her bare bottom well out, I introduced her to the same implement (cold) as I did with Sierra Salem, five-minutes after being introduced to her by Samantha Woodley.
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dallasspankshard – MP4/HD – Hailey – Time Has Come 5

Dallas Spanks Hard – MP4/SD – Hailey – Time Has Come 5

dallasspankshard – MP4/HD – Hailey – Time Has Come 5

I bought this razor strap for Tiki and used it as a travel strap. She had to keep it in her car and bring it in to hang up on a nail every night. The bite of this strap has taught many a lesson over many years! I bring it out for Hailey to really get a point across when needed. In this case, it was her slipping into negativity about general things going on in her life. You will tell from her tears in this one, just how well this strap works for her. After a long strapping and scolding, I have her turn the timer over( (another item brought out just for her) Her reactions to true discipline ( and it’s benefits) make her disciplinary sessions on of awe.
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Dallas Spanks Hard – MP4/HD – Hailey – Tearful Consequences 7

Dallas Spanks Hard – MP4/SD – Hailey – Tearful Consequences 7

Dallas Spanks Hard – MP4/HD – Hailey – Tearful Consequences 7

Growing up in the church, Hailey used Sunday’s to try to envision this day, as a road to a better self. I will always send a soul-searching woman to church with a red bottom, as her disciplinarian. What is a better way to heed the message of the preacher, than to have just heeded the message of your teacher? This implement was made to move along hogs to the pens, as I used it this day, to move Hailey along to a better, safer and more productive life.
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