Kailee brings Riley into speak with her about her recent problems and gives her some helpful advice along with her spanking.
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Kailee brings Riley into speak with her about her recent problems and gives her some helpful advice along with her spanking.
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Riley is taken over Ms. Burns’ knee and her bottom is spanked red as discipline for acting like a spoiled brat.
Model: Riley
Position: OTK (Over The Knee)
Implement: Hand
Riley is caught cheating on a test and severly punished by Ms.Burns.
Model: Riley
Position: Bent Over
Implement: Paddle (Wooden)
Because this was her second time to commit this offense The Dean decides a paddling is in order for Riley.
Model: Riley
Section: Dorm Room
Position: OTK (Over The Knee)
Implement: Cheek-To-Cheek Wooden Paddle
Riley is brought into the kitchen and bent over with her hands on her knees. Mr. M removes his belt to spank her. Unsatisfied with the first few stroked he tells her to retrieve his other belt. She returns and he continues to spank her, receiving the sounds and reactions he expected, leaving her bottom sore and red.
Model: Riley
Implement: Belt
Riley is sent to Ms. Burns’ office by Mr. Daniels to receive a hard paddling on the bare.
Model: Riley
Position: Bent Over
Implement: Cheek-To-Cheek Wooden Paddle
Riley sees a couple of the girls fighting but she does not report it to a teacher. She is given a strapping by Ms. Burns for not letting her know.
Implement(s):Leather Strap
Spanker(s):Mrs. Burns
Riley is invisibly within the underwear with all an thick buckle to get conducting the credit score card expenses.
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Riley is bent over the couch and strapped hard over her jeans, panties and on the bare bottom. She is then placed in the corner while Betty retrieves another implement for further the punishment.
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The Dean enters Riley’s dorm room to administer a long OTK punishment for being late to math class while a half-naked Kiki looks on.
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Riley is bent over and spanked hard with the belt over her jeans for not taking the car in to be serviced.
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Riley’s semester review does not have the outcome she had hoped for. She admits to feeling a lack of motivation when it comes to her school work. Miss Betty decides an OTK hand spanking is in order.
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Betty is told to take a seat and observe Riley’s hand spanking. Both girls are left in time out with their bottoms bared.
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Betty is sick of Riley’s attitude and sends her off to retrieve the belt. Betty has her bend over, and quickly spanks her over her skirt, leaving her bottom sore and bruised.
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The Dean spanks Riley OTK in her dorm room. *Voyeur Spanking*
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The Dean punishes Riley for taking an extra long shower. She is forced to go over his knee while still fully nude in her dorm room.
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Riley is sent to the Dean’s office for some minor infractions. Since The Dean has not seen Riley in some time, he decides a two part punishment is in order. He starts with a hand spanking on the bare bottom.
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Jade is told to go into time out, while Riley takes her turn over Danny’s knee for her OTK hand spanking.
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