Delta has been put in the corner by mom. How dare she go to an interview dressed in such a short tight dress? Hasn’t she any more class than that? She was raised better than this. After her time in the corner, Momma Dana beckons her "so called" grown-up girl to her side and scolds the sorry looking girl before taking her over her lap. Delta is then spanked hard and fast on her bare bottom by Dana’s heavy hand. This is only the start of her punishment as Delta is told to go ask for the hairbrush on her bare bottom and presents the Mason & Pearson brush as tears clearly roll down her face. Momma doesn’t feel in the least bit sorry for her. So it is right back over the lap for a hard fast spanking with herhairbrush as Delta cries, sobs and wriggles in pain from this hairbrush spanking. A sniveling Delta is then told to face the wall for more corner time to reflect on her appalling behavior.
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