“Julie’s trip commences much otherwise. It is evident in the present time of her birth which she is worried and possibly a little fearful. It will not support that she is overdue and that she sees me awaiting at the sack to get the, ready to move. I visit instantly that Julie has dressed quite erotically to mepersonally, and so that I just take her off street clothing directly off. I had been thrilled to view she had selected to have on a charming necklace, using sleeves and garter. Butinstead of being chased with her dressing , I am just invited the longer. The spanking new begins straight a way. Within my knee goes and so on I’m able ot observe my hands spanking is building a huge impact on her own. I’ve got a few implements on hands that I plan about with and I could presume is the fact that Julie has fairly an semester before the. It was not well until I pickup my substantial hair brush. She has been spanked with it she shudders at the sight of this. I am maybe not dissuaded, yet. Julie will get her hair brush spanking, so however far she squeals along with wriggles. Afterward I pick I want to try out some thing brand new. Some thing I have been intending to take to for a short time. I’ve got her lie on her belly around the bed, and having a pillow beneath her buttocks so that her butt is increased marginally. I really like this particular position! From that point, Julie carries a paddling with my enormous black paddle. I provide her a strapping with two straps, way too! Julie’s exceptionally anal, therefore that she chooses it bravely, although it had been a exact extreme session to the her. I really couldn’t only abandon it all there. Feeling she has been good lady to do this a lot (albeit maybe not without any grievance ) I kissed her sexy, sore butt with a lot of heating ”
Category: SPANKING
Keywords: spanking otk , f/f spanking , punishment spanking , discipline spanking , girl-girl spanking , girl spanks girl , g/g spanking , panties , bare bottom spanking , ass spanking , chelsea pfeiffer , domestic discipline , domestic spanking