firmhandspanking – MP4/HD – Lilian White – Asking for It GF/Lilian White is back for more as she tests her reaction to a 14-stroke caning

firmhandspanking – MP4/HD – Lilian White – Asking for It GF/Lilian White is back for more as she tests her reaction to a 14-stroke caning

No-one would say that Lilian White doesn’t push her limits in Asking For It. The prospect of a 14-stroke caning from John Friday makes her anxious, but she still sticks out her bare bottom to see what it’s like! “The cane has such a different sting,” she says. “There’s a sharp burn when it hits my bottom, and that stays for a while but not as long as a wooden paddle!” See how she reacts to having her cheeks striped.

Format: MP4
Duration: 6 Min
Size: 183 Mb
Resolution: 1280×720

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