Northern Spanking – MP4/Full HD –  Jadie Reece,Amy Cawcliffe – Tales Of The Slipper: Part 3 – 1080HD (.99 Clips4sale)

Northern Spanking – MP4/Full HD – Jadie Reece,Amy Cawcliffe – Tales Of The Slipper: Part 3 – 1080HD ($12.99 Clips4sale)

Northern Spanking – MP4/Full HD –  Jadie Reece,Amy Cawcliffe – Tales Of The Slipper: Part 3 – 1080HD ($12.99 Clips4sale)

Description: The third in a series of four films exploring the one element of corporal punishment that survived the ending of the practice in UK state schools in the early 1980s: The Slipper! It was always common knowledge, although rarely talked about, that PE Mistresses (and Masters!), kept a slipper for on-the-spot motivation or punishment during PE classes, or sometimes afterwards in the changing room. The slipper itself was a plimsoll or gym shoe, almost always a large, gents example for maximum effectiveness and coverage. Here we see the slipper in the hand of the Games Mistress, Jadie Reece applied to the deserving bottom of Amy Cawcliffe.

The final segment of this film is our tribute to British spanking magazines of the past. We hope it evokes some pleasant memories!
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Lily Starr Spanking – MP4/Full HD – Old Fashioned Bedtime Discipline From Mom – Hairbrush OTK & Caning for Kajira  (Exclusive)

Lily Starr Spanking – MP4/Full HD – Old Fashioned Bedtime Discipline From Mom – Hairbrush OTK & Caning for Kajira (Exclusive)

Lily Starr Spanking – MP4/Full HD – Old Fashioned Bedtime Discipline From Mom – Hairbrush OTK & Caning for Kajira  (Exclusive)

In this vintage inspired scenario, Kajira Bound is a willful young lady, and Lily plays her strict but calm and reserved mother. Kajira made a scene at the dinner table, showing her parents a disrespectful attitude. When things went too far, she was sentenced to report to her mom’s room after preparing for bed. Kajira begs not to be spanked, but her fate has already been decided, and she is soon across her mom’s lap, just like when she was younger. She is spanked over her nightgown, then it is pulled up to reveal her split seat bloomers, which Lily pulls open to expose her pink bottom. She is spanked more on the bare, until Lily decides she is warmed up enough for the black oval wooden hairbrush, which is liberally applied, turning her bottom red. But that isn’t all, as mom also has planned to cane her sore bottom to be sure the lesson gets through to her daughter to be a well mannered submissive young woman. Kajira is bent over for 24 strokes with the old fashioned style rattan cane, leaving her bottom beautifully striped before sending her to bed. 1920 HD This clip includes the full scene with a bottom cam view of the spanking. An alternate version with a reaction/side cam view of the spanking is coming soon for those who prefer it, and last will be released a full version with both angles for those who can’t decide. Much love and a Happy New Year to all!!!
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Lily Starr Spanking – MP4/Full HD – Her Husband Said No – Wooden Spoon Spank (Exclusive)

Lily Starr Spanking – MP4/Full HD – Her Husband Said No – Disobedient 1950s Wife Severely Punished OTK w Wooden Spoon – Retro Domestic Discipline Spanking (Exclusive)

Lily Starr Spanking – MP4/Full HD – Her Husband Said No – Wooden Spoon Spank (Exclusive)

Real life married couple Lily & Robert play out a severe scene as they imagine it might have happened in a 1950s DD household where the husband has authority to spank his wife whether she likes it or not. Lily had asked Robert about the new refrigerators that were out in the stores, the ones that all their friends had been getting. They were a huge upgrade from the older models, with automatic defrosters, lots of bells and whistles, better safety features, and even offered color coordination with your kitchen. They were a point of pride for housewives who had one, and Lily wanted one. When she asked him if they could get it, Robert said no, their refrigerator worked fine and they couldn’t afford it. The one she wanted cost $329, more than a month’s salary at the time! Well, after a little scheming, er, brainstorming, with a girlfriend, she discovered that she could go to Sears Roebuck and get it right away all on her own, using their new credit plan! The salesman of course was happy to oblige and encouraged her purchase, and Robert is unaware that he’s coming home from work to the forbidden appliance already sitting in their kitchen. Lily has done everything she can think of to put her husband in a good mood when he gets home, and keep him from going into the kitchen before she’s had a chance to break the news gently. She’s sure he’ll understand…she hopes. She’s looking especially pretty in her full skirt dress and pearls, has his favorite cocktail prepared in the living room, and his favorite dinner, lasagna from scratch, finishing up in the oven! When he arrives, he’s at first pleased with everything, but eventually starts to wonder why his wife is acting so strangely, and why she’s trying so hard to keep him out of the kitchen. She begins to bring up the subject again cautiously, really emphasizing all the benefits of a new refrigerator, in hopes that he’ll reconsider and then it will all be ok when she tells him! Robert stands firm though, and begins to grow suspicious. Lily confesses to what she’s done, but still tries to soften him up by cuddling up to him and insisting that she knows he’ll be happy about it once he sees how great it is. The payments are only $3 a month, it won’t even be a big deal. He doesn’t see it that way, and hates the idea of buying anything on credit, having that debt for years! He’s especially disappointed that she defied him and bought it anyway, when he’d said no in no uncertain terms! Robert tells his wife that she’s going to be spanked hard over his knee just like a little girl for her poor judgment and disobedience. He goes into the kitchen to take a look at the refrigerator, but more importantly, to retrieve the heavy wooden spoon from the utensil drawer. Lily is pouty and defiant, not at all happy with where this is going. She has no choice but to go over her husband’s knee, and he lifts her skirt and crinoline to expose her bottom, now covered only by her sheer pantyhose and full white satin panties. He brings his large hand down hard on her bottom, reddening it visibly even through her undergarments. First he pulls down her pantyhose and spanks her over her panties, then he pulls those down as well, raining down hard spanks with his heavy hand on her defenseless little bottom, as he can see she needs a reminder of who is in charge in their home. Lily’s pouts and protests soon give way to cries and begging for mercy. Unfortunately for her, Robert was not feeling very merciful, especially when he would think about that huge price tag and the fact that she defied him to spend money he hadn’t even earned yet! Her bare bottom is thoroughly punished to heavy bruising with the wooden spoon, she has no chance of getting away or even kicking her legs, as her strong husband holds her in place firmly, and pins her legs down with his own, keeping her bottom just where he needs it as he makes sure she thoroughly learns her lesson. In fact, the only thing that saves her from a longer punishment is the state of her bottom, she is literally spanked until her skin can’t take anymore. Intro is approximately 10 minutes, meaning this OTK punishment spanking lasts about 30. The scenario may seem “cute,” but make no mistake, this is a severe scene. We enjoy the 1950s aesthetic, especially D/s based around it, and hope you will too. Presented in full 1920 HD.
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Eris Martinet Female Evil – MP4/Full HD – Anthea, Eris Martinet, Melissa – Anthea and Melissa’s Excellent Punishment

Eris Martinet Female Evil – MP4/Full HD – Anthea, Eris Martinet, Melissa – Anthea and Melissa’s Excellent Punishment

The year was 1958 and I had just returned from Switzerland where I had been teaching for two years at a well known finishing school for young ladies.I had only been back in the Uk for a week when I received a letter from my sister,Alice. She gave me an update on how everyone in our family was getting on and said all was well but that she did have a big issue with her two daughters, Anthea and Melissa. She went on to outline a catalogue of misbehaviour by both young ladies,who at the ages of 19 and 20 respectively were now living away from home at college and by all accounts had got in with the wrong crowd.She listed the misdemeanours,which had been raised by their personal tutors in phone calls to my poor sister. Anthea had very poor attendance at lectures,a poor record for her coursework and had regularly broken her evening curfews. Melissa had similar curfew issues but was also said to have a poor attitude and an inclination to rudeness. Alice also said that in their current holiday,the two of them were regularly disrespectful to their Mother and,although Alice had no concrete proof, had even taken to stealing cash from her purse .I was outraged and it did not help my temper when my sister also mentioned that they were both smoking cigarettes.
Alice finished her letter by asking if I could take them both under my wing for a few days before they went back to college to teach them some much needed discipline.I called her that evening and agreed that Anthea and Melissa could spend 4 days the following week at my house and I would use all my experience of disciplining young women during my recent teaching career,to get to the bottom of their behavioural issues.
After I put the phone down,I thought back to the last time my nieces had stayed with me. There had only been one incident of misbehaviour that I could remember.I had allowed them both to go to a party on the strict condition that they would be back by 10.30pm. when they turned up that evening,nearly an hour late,I sent them straight to bed,with the words ringing in their ears that, "I’ll be dealing with you both in the morning".
The following morning I sat them both down and lectured them about keeping to curfew and then pronounced sentence -that they would both be spanked for their naughtiness. This produced howls of protest but I was adamant and within an hour both young ladies were nursing well smacked bottoms after each received a 2 minute lesson over my knee on the seat of their knickers.
As I reminisced on those two spankings, I realised that, with hindsight, I would have done things differently. I had spent the last two years teaching English in Switzerland to young women between the ages of 18 and 24 and this experience not only taught me how to control a classroom but also to apply discipline to young women when it was needed. It was soon noticed that I had well behaved students in my class and the Principal,a lady in her 50s, by the name of Frau Muller,even asked me to assist her with the more serious disciplinary issues in the school.
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Eris Martinet Female Evil – MP4/Full HD – ANTHEA AND MELISSA’s EXCELLENT PUNISHMENT – part IV

Eris Martinet Female Evil – MP4/Full HD – ANTHEA AND MELISSA’s EXCELLENT PUNISHMENT – part IV

How much pain and humiliation can these girls take? here we are onto the second day of punishment, at bedtime.
They’ve been called to the living room in their pajamas, ready for bed. But of course, they wont’ be sent to bed until Miss Martinet has ensured they both boast a very stingy, uncomfortable red bottom.

After all, you want them to "sleep over it", don’t you?
Miss Martinet knows that the way to get through to such misbehaved characters is to humiliate them at length, and take the comfort and intimacy of bedtime from them too.

They get scolded and reprimanded, and once more, with a glint in her eye. Eris turns them over her stockinged lap and whacks, mercilessly. They also get dragged upstairs and spanked right in their own bedrooms!! There is no rest for the wicked, is there.

Miss Martinet’s methods are shown to work as the girls demeanors crumble further into a docile mess. They are really just wishing it would all stop!
And stop it will. when Miss Martinet has been satisfied. And is she hard to satisfy! And isn’t she enjoying it.
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Eris Martinet Female Evil – MP4/Full HD – ANTHEA AND MELISSA’s EXCELLENT PUNISHMENT – part II

Eris Martinet Female Evil – MP4/Full HD – ANTHEA AND MELISSA’s EXCELLENT PUNISHMENT – part II

A few days after my sister’s letter and subsequent telephone conversations, my two nieces,Anthea and Melissa arrived at my house. After greeting them warmly,I allowed them to settle in,have some lunch and then unpack in their bedrooms before getting both of them together for a chat in the living room at around 4 o’clock. I’m not sure what they were expecting to happen during their visit, so I decided to come straight to the point about why they would be staying with me for the next few days. My friendly tone disappeared as I went through their Mother’s letter and outlined the general catalogue of misbehaviour.After a few protests of innocence,I was able to eventually extract confessions from both of my nieces and after drawing their attention to how much they had upset their Mother,I was even able to get them to agree that there should be consequences for this naughtiness.
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Eris Martinet Female Evil – MP4/Full HD – ANTHEA AND MELISSA’s EXCELLENT PUNISHMENT – part I

Eris Martinet Female Evil – MP4/Full HD – ANTHEA AND MELISSA’s EXCELLENT PUNISHMENT – part I

The year was 1958 and I had just returned from Switzerland where I had been teaching for two years at a well known finishing school for young ladies.I had only been back in the Uk for a week when I received a letter from my sister,Alice. She gave me an update on how everyone in our family was getting on and said all was well but that she did have a big issue with her two daughters, Anthea and Melissa. She went on to outline a catalogue of misbehaviour by both young ladies,who at the ages of 19 and 20 respectively were now living away from home at college and by all accounts had got in with the wrong crowd.She listed the misdemeanours,which had been raised by their personal tutors in phone calls to my poor sister. Anthea had very poor attendance at lectures,a poor record for her coursework and had regularly broken her evening curfews. Melissa had similar curfew issues but was also said to have a poor attitude and an inclination to rudeness. Alice also said that in their current holiday,the two of them were regularly disrespectful to their Mother and,although Alice had no concrete proof, had even taken to stealing cash from her purse .I was outraged and it did not help my temper when my sister also mentioned that they were both smoking cigarettes.
Alice finished her letter by asking if I could take them both under my wing for a few days before they went back to college to teach them some much needed discipline.I called her that evening and agreed that Anthea and Melissa could spend 4 days the following week at my house and I would use all my experience of disciplining young women during my recent teaching career,to get to the bottom of their behavioural issues.
After I put the phone down,I thought back to the last time my nieces had stayed with me. There had only been one incident of misbehaviour that I could remember.I had allowed them both to go to a party on the strict condition that they would be back by 10.30pm. when they turned up that evening,nearly an hour late,I sent them straight to bed,with the words ringing in their ears that, “I’ll be dealing with you both in the morning”.
The following morning I sat them both down and lectured them about keeping to curfew and then pronounced sentence -that they would both be spanked for their naughtiness. This produced howls of protest but I was adamant and within an hour both young ladies were nursing well smacked bottoms after each received a 2 minute lesson over my knee on the seat of their knickers.
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