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firmhandspanking – MP4/HD – Katya Nostrovia – Sugar Daddy CF/Enjoy the crisp swish and thwack of a springy cane across Katya’s bare bottom!

firmhandspanking – MP4/HD – Katya Nostrovia – Sugar Daddy CF/Enjoy the crisp swish and thwack of a springy cane across Katya’s bare bottom!

Hands on the wall, round bottom stuck out, Katya Nostrovia grits her teeth for 12 strokes of the cane from her Sugar Daddy. She needs cash, so returns a $1200 dress given to her by John Friday. That’s reason enough for a sound caning. “I’m scared of the cane,” confesses Katya. “It’s the sound of it whistling through the air, scary!”

Format: MP4
Duration: 7 Min
Size: 197 Mb
Resolution: 1280×720

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