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Dallas Spanks Hard – MP4/SD – Hailey 6 – Domestic Remembrance

Hailey’s father used to paddle she and her sister pretty frequently growing up. That is why her submission to spankings as a tool for her own personal betterment is extraordinary! This was her first taste of a wooden paddle on her bare bottom, since those bare bottom ones she got at the hand of her minister father (including ones they got in the back of the church if they acted up during his sermon) She has since told her father (and sister) about her coming to me for spankings. Her father (who has since left the church) actually laughed about it saying " That is so you Hailey!" She and her father are very close and tell each other everything. Her younger sister has stayed with the church, so she would never discuss these spankings with her. Hailey is so awesome! Her candor and openness is incredible!

Format: MP4
Duration: 10 Min
Size: 107 Mb
Resolution: 854×480

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